Suburban chicago gay bar

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Right on Broadway Street you can head over and take part in some lively karaoke at one of Chicago’s most unique gay bars. If you’re a little shy on the dance floor, they can help with free dance lessons on Friday evenings. Every Sunday night you can mosey on over for their Sunday Night Stampede a shindig featuring music, dancing, drinks galore and a buffet dinner for an astounding price. What more can be said about Bartlett’s chic dance club? Showcasing some of the best country music of this generation and those long past, it’s hard to go wrong. They’re no slouch in the live musical acts, either, hosting such high-profile artists as Keith Urban and Sugarland. The two-level 62,000 square foot club is one of the largest in the area, sporting an impressive 4,000 square foot dance floor upon which to cut a rug. Rock venues are rampant, house and dance clubs can be found anywhere, so where does the down-home country western fan go when they want to kick on their dancing boots and have a night on the town? Luckily, they have a bunch of options in the Chicagoland area.įirst up on the list is Waukegan’s own Sundance Saloon. Chicagoans are a diverse musical crowd and there are plenty of places specializing in all genres and styles.

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Any band worth their salt knows that if they’re going on a nationwide tour they need to get to the Windy City at least once. Chicago is an epicenter of the music scene in this day and age.

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